Using PowerBI to Build Reports from the NextGen Database


Using PowerBI to Build Reports from the NextGen Database

NOTE: This class was presented during the 2017 NextGen User Group Meeting on Tuesday, November 7, 2017.

Contains course materials from the UGM 2017 Presentation EPM 200 - Using Microsoft Reporting Tools to build Reports from the NextGen Database.

This class covered concepts related to creating, populating, and structuring data for a Data Warehouse, and using Microsoft's Power BI product to import and analyze that data.

The resulting Report was shared using one of the Power BI publishing mechanisms called "Publishing to Web", which both FREE and PRO User Accounts of Power BI can do. We created a Tiny URL to more easily access the report.

The Report Link:

Course materials include:
•  Instructions regarding the project files for download.
•  Updated PowerPoint Presentation File.
•  Microsoft Power BI Project File (PBIX) containing the sample Report shown in the actual UGM Presentation.
•  SQL Server 2012 Database Backup (BAK) of the sample Data Warehouse Database.
•  T-SQL Scripts to create the contents of the Data Warehouse (for SQL Server 2008R2 and earlier).

Questions about the course, materials, or the report can be emailed me at:

All questions about Microsoft Power BI can be answered by reading about the product. Visit this excellent resource page:

The PowerPoint Presentation Files, Sample Data Warehouse backup files, any T-SQL Scripts, Power BI PBIX files, and Installation Documentation are provided free of charge for instructional purposes only, and are not supported by NextGen.

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, SQL Server and Power BI are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

December 20, 2017
Team R&D
December 20, 2017
  • One of the critical stored procedures was missing from the scripts and the sample database. This has been corrected. Missing stored procedure: sp_Create_Dimension_Tables
December 19, 2017
  • Updates to the T-SQL scripts that create the Data Warehouse. Removed the large database BAK file (which contained a lot of non-client de-identified data) in favor of a blank database file with tables and stored procedures already created. The database BAK file is vastly smaller now.
December 18, 2017
  • Created database script files to re-create the database using T-SQL. This allows the Data Warehouse to be created on any version of SQL Server.
December 12, 2017
  • Stored downloadable items as ZIP files instead of their native formats, both to reduce size and to allow all browsers to handle the files correctly.
December 11, 2017
  • Initial Release

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